API Access
Login tokens
To access any Bio-Prodict API endpoint an authentication token is required. To obtain a token a 3DM account is required. These accounts can be registered at Bio-Prodict Accounts. We use Oauth tokens to validate access to APIs. These tokens can be obtained from an oauth server and are valid for a number of hours.
Retrieve OAUTH Token
To retrieve a token use an HTTP POST request to https://api.bio-prodict.nl/oauth/oauth/token with the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
grant_type | Hardcoded string |
username | 3DM account username |
password | 3DM account password |
client_id | Hardcoded string |
client_secret | Hardcoded string |
twofactor | Optional two-factor code |
Provide the username and password of your 3DM account, if your password contains special characters these should be URL encoded. The grant_type for default requests is 'password' (to refresh an access token; see Refresh OAUTH token). The client_id and client_secret will be provided by Bio-Prodict separately.
The token request needs to contain an authorization header: {"Authorization": "Basic {client_details}"}, in which client_details is a base64 encoded string of the client_id (as key) and the client_secret (as value), e.g. "{client_id}:{client_secret}". Make sure that no trailing newlines are included.
The response will look like the example below:
{ "access_token": "{token}", "expires_in": 43199, "fullname": "{fullname}", "jti": "{uuid}", "scope": "read write", "token_type": "bearer", "userid": {userid}, "username": "{username}" }
The access token should be used when sending requests to any of the Bio-Prodict APIs via a header: 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'
Refresh OAUTH Token
To refresh a token send a token request to the endpoint described in the 'Retrieve OAUTH Token' paragraph with the following parameters: grant_type=refresh_token and refresh_token={refresh_token}. The refresh token is included in the original token response A Basic authorization header as described in the 'Retrieve OAUTH Token' paragraph is required. Note that refresh tokens are not available for all client_id's.