Private Proteins
Private Proteins
What are private proteins
It is possible to add your own 'private' proteins to a 3DM System. Any protein sequence that you wish to add manually is considered a 'private' protein. By default private proteins are private and only visible to you, unless you choose to share them with specific user groups.
Private proteins are stored separately and can be connected to different 3DM Systems.Ā
How do I add a private protein?
Private proteins can be created and/or connected to a 3DM System from the private protein page within a 3DM system. Navigate there via the sidebar:
Sidebar ā Proteins ā Private proteins.
Available functionality
The following features are currently available for private proteins (more features are under development):
- View them in the alignment.
- View private proteins in a phylogenetic tree of the 3DM system.
- Create structural models of private proteins connected to a 3DM system.
- Map 3DM data on the private protein sequence (see Protein analysis).
- Create a custom numbering scheme based on the private protein sequence.
Notes concerning private proteins:
- private proteins are visible only to you or the user group you share them with.
- 3DM data can be projected on private proteins but they themselves are not part of the statistics.
- It can be difficult to connect (align) distantly related proteins to a 3DM system, (you are advised to check the alignment quality for such proteins).
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