Protein analysis

Protein analysis

Protein analysis - Bringing 3DM data to your protein of interest

The Protein analysis page allows you to visualize 3DM data on your protein sequence. This tool projects both protein-specific and family-wide data onto your protein sequence, helping you to connect abstract data to your protein of interest.

Two types of data can be shown (projected) on the protein sequence, 'protein data' or 'family data':

  1. Protein Data:
    This includes data specific to the selected protein, such as mutations that describe mutagenesis experiments.
  2. Family Data:
    This includes data collected from the entire protein family, such as mutations collated from all proteins in the family and transferred via the alignment to project hotspots on your protein.

How do I use the protein analysis page?

Simply navigate to the protein detail page of any protein and click on the 'protein analysis' tab. The sequence will be shown and regions aligned in the 'core alignment' will be underlined.

You can select a specific position or add a visualization of either protein specific data or data derived from the complete protein family.


Available functionality for the protein analysis page (more features are under development):

  • Amino acid distributions: visualize distributions for each residue
  • Protein mutation data (protein data)
  • Protein contact data (protein data) (only available for a structure)
  • Conservation data (family data)
  • Correlated mutation data (family data) to highlight positions that show co-evolution behaviour across the alignment
  • Family mutation data (family data) to highlight positions for which mutations are identified in literature across the alignment
  • Family contact data (family data) to highlight positions involved in different types of contacts derived from all structures of the alignment
  • Keyword mutation data (family data) to highlight positions for which mutations related to a specific keyword were identified
  • Highlight Hotspot basket positions in your protein (family data)
  • Patent mutation data (family data) to highlight positions for which mutations have been mentioned in patent claims
  • Thermostability prediction data (prediction data)
  • Pathogenicity prediction data (prediction data)

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